We’re a VC-fund

Focusing on early-stage technology and digital-first companies.

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We believe

That an outstanding idea coupled with the right moves are enough for building a successful company. We look forward to helping startups make all the right moves in all the right places together.

We help portfolio companies build relationships with largest global technology corporations and engage in hands-on business development projects for selected companies

We Never Stop Smiling!

Hi and nice to meet you! This is our brave team. We work very hard to provide an awesome experience for you.
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    General Partner

    Sridhar is passionate about web, tech and the startup industry.

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    Tony Xavier
    Investment Analyst

    Tony is much into Healthcare.

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    Evelyn (Milai) Zhou
    Investment Analyst

    When we need to do things both fast and good, we call Evelyn.

Learn & Get Inspired

Ferox, mirabilis demolitiones velox transferre de bassus, lotus secula. Domesticus hibridas ducunt ad genetrix.

How to Activate MailChimp Forms2 min guide

Donec facilisis tortor ut augue lacinia, at viverra est semper. Sed sapien metus, scelerisque nec pharetra id, tempor a tortor.

Airtable + Unicorn Platform11 min read

Indexs sunt monss de talis barcas. Ubi est gratis diatria? Eheu. Species bassus fluctus est. Devatios peregrinationes, tanquam gratis me.

Intercom on Product: Rise of the “keyboard-first” generation14 min read

Ecce, danista! Pol, pius castor! Nunquam resuscitabo silva. Varius, peritus ollas satis imperium de regius, bi-co.
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